CCHV Products

We Supply High Performance Reliable Cooling Fans

How to get the right DC fan for your system

Normally, most of the users select the Brushless DC cooling fan by referring to its maximum air flow and air pressure, which is not the comprehensive thinking since maximum air flow and air pressure are tested under ideal condition, which doesn’t exist in real applications since there is always impedance in your system (to follow more info how to measure PQ curve). There are 5 steps to guide you how to get the right fan.

Estimating Overall Cool Air Flow Requirement
Estimating System Impedance
Comparing Acoustic Noise Requirement
Verifying System Temperature Reduction
Fixing Fan Dimension & Performance

Basic Knowledge Behind Your Right DC Fan

After deciding the fan size, air flow and noise to match your system, the following basic knowledge can help to understand which type of the fan you have to consider for optimzing your budget with expecting fan lifetime. 

Fan Performance & Fan Noise

Fan air flow & air pressure and noise are two key indicators to present each fan performance. Normally, the higher for air flow and air pressure, the higher of the fan noise. Excellent engineers can make optimal design with higher air flow but keeping on same noise and even lower. At CCHV, you can enjoy our optimal design to customize your needs.

Fan Performance (PQ) Curve

Fan performance is presented by PQ curve, which fully demonstrates its performance under various impedances.

PQ curve is measured by wind tunnel. The maximum air flow and air pressure are measured values under ideal conditions. Max. air flow means there is no pressure difference between the air inlet and air outlet. Max. air pressure means the difference between inside and outside of wind tunnel till the air flow is zero when the fan blows the air into the air tunnel. The relationship between them is the air flow decreases with the increase of the air pressure.

By adjusting the Nozzle and the Auxiliary Blower, to control the air volume, record the corresponding difference values between Air Flow and Air Pressure, then finally draw the pressure-flow diagram, saying PQ curve diagram.

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Fan Noise

When the fan is working, it makes noise. The fan noise is divided into flow noise, motor/electronics noise. The flowing air interferes with each other, frictions with surrounding objects and the separation effect of the blades on the airflow etc., will all generate noise. The higher of the fan speed, the more of turbulance and the greater of fan noise.  The motor/electronics noise normally apprears at the low speed, which is sensitive on comsumer electronics products.

Fan acoustic measurements must be carried out in a specialized semi-anechoic chamber whose roof and walls are covered with sound-absorbing materials. 

CCHV gets own acoustic chamber, whose background noise is as low as 9dBA with compliance to international standard. Normally, the fan noise is measured one meter from fan inlet at rated voltage.

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Bearing Systems

Bearing system is the “heart” of DC fans, which, to a large extent, determines the fan lifespan. There are mainly two types of bearings popular in the market. The following descriptions and comparisons can help you to get your right bearing system for your applications. 

Hydraulic/Rifle Bearing

Hydraulic/Rifle bearing is upgraded common sleeve bearing, which gets loop-back grooves for lubricating oil to solve the leakage problem. Both of hydraulic and sleeve bearing are sintered body made of copper and iron powder through metallurgy.

Dual Ball Bearing

Ball bearing is a kind of rolling bearing, the spherical alloy steel ball installed in the middle of the inner ring and the outer ring, in a rolling way to reduce the friction in the process of power transmission and improve the efficiency of mechanical power transmission.

 Dual Ball Bearing 

Assembly into motor

Shaft Base & Frame Middle Tube

After fixing which type of bearing is your perfect option, here you can find out additional fan structure design information to help you maximize the fan performance. 

Normal Type

Normal type of shaft base and frame middle tube are made of plastic as the following pictures, which is used with hydraulic bearing when the fan works at the low speed under normal temperature.

High Reliable Type

High reliable type of shaft base and frame middle tube are made of pure copper as the following picture. Copper base and copper tube gets more accurate and better cooling effect when operating at the high speed, which are normally used with dual ball bearing. 

Normal Plastic Shaft Base
Plastic Tube
Copper Shaft Base (CCHV Pattern Design)
Copper Tube In Frame

Waveform of IC Functions

Different IC function can help you to know how the fan works under what status. PWM function can improve the fan energy effeciency by speed control. Here you can find out the waveforms of different IC functions. 

Rotation Detector Signal / Alarm Signal

RD signal is used to detect whether the fan is running or not. When the fan is normally running, the output level is low, whereas, high output level means the fan is stopped. 

FG Signal / Speed Sensor

FG Signal, as known as Tacho Signal,  is to provide a square wave signal from the fan, and the signal frequency represents the speed of the fan, which means FG conveys speed info in the form of square waves and normally it works with PWM.

PWM Control

The fan speed can be controlled by Pulse Width Modulation. PWM periodically outputs the voltage at a certain time, which is called the duty cycle, usually expressed as a percentage.

Wire Connector Types

To make fan easily connecting with your control board, CCHV offers various connector solutions. Here are only some popular types. Contact us for your suitable model No..

Environmental Protection

Some parts of cooling fans are used for outdoor, facing challenges against harsh enviroment, like dusty, high temperature, high humidity, corrosive, ect.. We understand the importance of environmental protection and offer different PI levels tailored to your unique needs. 


Conformal Coating + PCB Gluing


Conformal oating +
Whole PCB Potting


Whole Stator Coating

Model Numbering System


CCHV Brand


Electrictal Character:

A: Standard 2PIN

T: Frequency generation

or more


Fan Dimentions:




















05: 5V

09: 9V

12: 12V

24: 24V

48: 48V


Bearing Type:

S: Sleeve Bearing

R: Rifle/Hydraulic Bearing

B: Dual Ball Bearing



L: Low Speed

M: Middle Speed

H: High Speed

X: Higher Speed

Y: Very High Speed

U: Pretty High Speed

V: Super High Speed

P: Exemtely High Speed


Wire Functions:

A/Leave Blank: no function, only positive and negative wires

R: FG/RD & Lock Protection & Automatic Restart

S: Temperature Control & Lock Protection & Automatic Restart

W: PWM & Lock Protection & Automatic Restart




Frame Height:

1: 1mm

3: 3mm

4: 4mm

7: 7mm

10: 10mm

15: 15mm

20: 20mm

25: 25mm

32: 32mm

38: 38mm

51: 51mm


Mold Series

More Professional Knowledge About CCHV Cooling Fans

Please note that the final cost depends on the customized service you require, the specifications of the raw materials used, the relevant national laws, and the distance of transportation. Take the example of booking a tall container of products:

Why choose CCHV

Since 2006, CCHV has been engaged in developing and manufacturing the full-range cooling fan products. Led by experienced engineers from Taiwan fan companies, we are flexible to provide highly reliable and powerful cooling fan to meet different custom requirements.

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